5 November 2012

Scratch-built Terrain: Generator Finished

Just finished off the scratch-built piece of terrain, long-time readers will remember this. Here's how it was built if anyone is interested. Basically a pretty simple paint job, lots of washes, drybrushing, static grass and some vallejo water effects. Tried to add the patchy, weathered rust sort of idea to it and I think it worked to an extent. Oh and of course no piece of terrain is finished without a generous dolloping of static grass. :)

What I really need to add is maybe a highlight to the water effects, and maybe use the gw ones because they don't come colour-specific (unlike this where I need to mix blue with yellow and that loses some of effect I think). Oh and the whole thing may be a bit too dark for my taste so maybe I'll drybrush some boltgun metal over the top. Still quite good for a "free" piece of terrain.


  1. It came out great mate, love seeing scratch built terrain :D

  2. I still see a can and a drinking straw but the GW terrain is a bit of a scourge because it doesn't match well with scratch built stuff. It's better to go all one or the other- preferably scratch built.


    1. Haha perhaps, but to be honest it was one one of my first scratchbuilds and yes it isn't perfect but maybe it's better painted than unpainted. Although you are probably right - it could do with more details



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