My list looked like this (additions to 1500 points in bold):
Company Command Squad with 2x plasmagun, medic
Veteran Squad with 3x plasmagun, grenadiers, chimera with multi-laser and heavy flamer
Veteran Squad with 3x meltagun, demolitions, chimera with multi-laser and heavy flamer
Platoon command Squad with power sword, plasma pistol, 3x flamer
Infantry Squad with autocannon and grenade launcher and commissar with power sword and plasma pistol
Infantry Squad with autocannon and grenade launcher
Infantry Squad with autocannon and grenade launcher
Heavy weapons team with 3x missile launchers
Leman Russ Vanquisher with Lascannon
Leman Russ Executioner with plasma cannon sponsons
Leman Russ Eradicator with 3x heavy flamer
Paul's list was:
5x Terminators with heavy flamer
Tactical Squad with meltagun, lascannon in razorback with twin heavy bolters
Scout Squad with snipers and missile launcher
Scout squad with close combat stuff
Furiosio Dread
Allies: Lord Commissar with power sword and bolt pistol
Stormtroopers with meltagun (sternguard count as)
Penal Legionnaires (counted as assorted guardsmen)
Medusa with bastion breacher shells (counted as by whirlwind)
Paul was going to be going first so I let him setup (see pictures). I carefully measured range from Mephiston and decided to do a similar thing to what I had done against Ilya only more centrally. My blob deployed a few inches out of Mephiston turn 1 assault range. Tanks were spread on two flanks. Chimeras centre followed by command squads which were hoping to dash out of sight under the bunker from the medusa. 2 Vendettas empty and in reserve.
Scout squads infiltrate close to the relic.
However, I quickly seize the iniative and try to capitalise.
Turn 1
Chimeras drive up aggressively, and command squads pass the line of sight of the medusa. Heavy tanks push up both flanks. Massed shooting sees some sniper scouts dead, the medusa dead and five tactical marines who were formerly on the hill dead. First blood has been seized successfully.