Self Edit: During and for some time after this game I thought the armies were even btw, later it turned out that he had 250pts more than me!!!!
Lord Commisar
Platoon Command squad
2x Guardsman squad
Veteran squad
Leman Russ Executioner
(Artemy) Space Marines:
Captain with power sword
5 terminators
Dreadnought with multi melt a and storm bolter
Dreadnought with assault cannon and storm bolter
5 scouts with heavy bolter
1 combat squad with flamer
Tactical squad with missile launcher and flamer
It was an annihalation mission with dawn of war deployment. Great ... not.
He won the roll of but gave me the first turn. WHY??? Ok so I castled up in my corner of the
field with buildings. He castled up in his (personally made) fortified hill, and some scout behind his (personally made again) barricade, much closer to my guys.
Turn 1
The rest of my guys that aren't on come onto the field - everything would castle up and hope to kill something. Scouts shoot across the field missing/failing. I also took Rob's advice in this match and took snipers, although my opinion on them hadn't changed at all from the moment before the match to the moment after - rubbish. Tank gets into a nice position.
His turn and his two dreadnoughts, whirlwind and combat squad come onto the field on my flank, taking cover in the craters. His missile launcher frags across the field at my snipers but fails. Whirlwind kills a few guardsmen.
Turn 2
Lot of shooting, wipe out one or two marines in the combat squad and immobilize the whirlwind. Not much else...
whirlwind can't shoot. Missile launcher shoots across the field though and kills two or three veterans.
Turn 3
Termies arrive very near the board edge on my flank in the midfield. Dreads and flamer dude advance. Missiel launcher shoots across the map kills a sniper henchman. Dreads kill a few command squad guardsmen and veterans. Scouts also died at some point.
Score was 2-0 to me here.
Turn 4
Movement, shooting. Vets die, termies close in on my tank. Dread too. I'm "lucky" and they "only" shake it but this means I can't escape next turn. Other Dread in combat kills a guardsman. Also the whirlwind shot my big squad of guardsmen in the building killing a few more.
Score 2-1 still to me.
Turn 5,6,7
I don't think I killed anyone this turn apart from exploding the dreadnought in cc and losing my last command squad member in the explosion. The termies and dread then exploded my leman russ and some guardsmen were killed. After two more turns of Artemy moving and a bit of shooting the score was 5-3 to the Space Marines.
Well done to Artemy!
It turned out that his army had been counted up to 1000pts by Paul - Orks are getting to his head I see. Considering this then I did pretty well